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IndicesTrading Platform

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Ultra-low latency datacentre co-location

Trade in major indices

Trade the world’s most liquid indices

Please note that Dynamic Leverage may apply.

Symbols Description Standard Contract Size (1 lot) Minimum Lot Size Leverage Trading Sessions (Monday to Friday GMT+2)
AUS200 Australia 200 1 0.1 100:1 00:50-07:30, 08:10-23:00
F40 France 40 1 0.1 100:1 09:00-23:00
DE30 Germany 30 1 0.1 100:1 02:15-23:00
UK100 UK 100 1 0.1 100:1 01:02-23:59
US30 Dow Jones 1 0.1 100:1 01:02-23:59
US100 Nasdaq 1 0.1 100:1 01:02-23:59
US500 S&P 500 1 0.1 100:1 01:02-23:59
ES35 Spain 35 1 0.1 100:1 09:00-21:00
JP225 Japan 225 1 0.1 100:1 01:02-23:59
HS150 Hong Kong 50 Cash 1 0.1 100:1 03:15-06:00, 07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
DXA Index Dollar Future 1000 0.1 100:1 03:00-24:00
US30.f Dow Jones Future 1 0.1 100:1 01:02-23:59
US100.f Nasdaq Future 1 0.1 100:1 01:02-23:59
US500.f S&P 500 Future 1 0.1 100:1 01:02-23:59
DAX40.f DAX 40 Future 1 0.1 100:1 01:02-23:59

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Dividends Adjustments on Cash Indices CFDs

CFDs on Indices are subject to dividend adjustments.
When a company within an Index pays dividends to its shareholders, it is essentially reducing the value of the company by the amount of the dividend.
This is reflected by a reduction of the share price and effectively the Index price at the market open on the ex-dividend date (the day that the company stock starts trading without the value of the dividend).
Therefore, to ensure no impact on positions, a dividend adjustment is made on the trading accounts of clients who hold CFD positions on Cash Indices.
Buy trades will receive an amount calculated as follows:
Dividend Adjustment = Dividend declared x position size in Cash Indices
Sell trades will be charged an amount calculated as follows:
Dividend Adjustment = Dividend declared x position size in Cash Indices

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  • Safe and Secure Transactions iconSafe and Secure Transactions
  • Multi Funding Options iconMulti Funding Options

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