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CryptosTrading Platform

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Ultra-low latency datacentre co-location

Trade the major Cryptos

No virtual wallet required, just a trading account

CFDs on cryptos allow you to trade on a market’s price without taking ownership of the underlying asset. Please note that Dynamic Leverage may apply.

Symbols Description Standard Contract Size (1 lot) Minimum Lot Size Leverage Trading Sessions (Monday to Sunday GMT+2)
BTCUSD Bitcoin 1 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
ETHUSD Ethereum 1 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
LTCUSD Lite Coin 1 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
BCHUSD Bitcoin Cash 1 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
XRPUSD Ripple 100 0.1 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
DASHUSD Dash Coin 1 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
EOSUSD EOS Coin 10 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
IOTAUSD IOTA Coin 100 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
NEOUSD Neo Coin 1 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
TRXUSD Tron 100 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
XMRUSD Monero 1 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
ZECUSD Zcash 1 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
ADAUSD Cardano 10000 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
ALGUSD Algorand 10000 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
AVXUSD Avalanche 100 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
AVEUSD Aave 10 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
AXSUSD Axie Infinity 10 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
BSVUSD Bitcoin Cash SV 10 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
DOTUSD Polkadot 100 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
LNKUSD Link 100 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
SOLUSD Solana 1 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
UNIUSD Uniswap 1000 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00
VETUSD VeChain 10000 0.01 1000:1* 00:00-24:00

* Errante allows for a leverage of 1000:1 for Cryptos on MT4. The maximum exposure on Cryptos with a leverage of 1000: 1 is capped at 2 lots or 2 Cryptos according to our dynamic leverage. Leverage on MT5 is 20:1.

On MT5, we only offer, BTC, ETH, BHC, LTC and XRP.

Why trade with Errante?

  • Top Tier Banking iconTop Tier Banking
  • Sign up in just 4 Easy Steps iconSign up in just 4 Easy Steps
  • Tailor made account options iconTailor made account options
  • Cutting Edge Technology iconCutting Edge Technology
  • Safe and Secure Transactions iconSafe and Secure Transactions
  • Multi Funding Options iconMulti Funding Options

The right platform for the job

Our MT4 & MT5 platform is at the forefront of our trading software and boasts millions of users worldwide, featuring an in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis.

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Being mobile compatible, our platforms allow you to keep a close eye on the market and be there when opportunity rises.

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