Errante January 2025 Trading Schedule

Errante January 2025 Trading Schedule 

With Jim Carter, Martin Luther King, and Australia Day fast approaching, we would like to inform you that the trading schedule will be subject to change between the 9th and 27th January 2025. 

All times mentioned below are GMT+2

Trading Instrument Symbol Jim Carter Day – 9th January 2025 Martin Luther King Day – 20th January 2025 Australia Day – 27th January 2025 
Australian 200 Index AUS200 Early Close at 23.00 Normal Hours Early Close at 23.00 on the 24th & Late Open at 08.10 on the 27th 
Japan Nikkei 225 Index JP225 Normal Hours Early Close at 20.00 Normal Hours 
US Wall Street 30 Index (Futures and Cash) US30 Early Close at 16.30 Early Close at 20.00 Normal Hours 
US Tech 100 Index (Futures and Cash) US100 Early Close at 16.30 Early Close at 20.00 Normal Hours 
US SPX 500 Index (Futures and Cash) US500 Early Close at 16.30 Early Close at 20.00 Normal Hours 
Metals  Normal Hours Early Close at 21.30 Normal Hours  
Coffee COFFEE.f Normal Hours Closed Normal Hours 
Cotton COTTON.f Normal Hours Closed Normal Hours 
Sugar SUGAR.f Normal Hours Closed Normal Hours 
US Crude Oil (Futures and Cash) USOIL Normal Hours Early Close at 21.30 Normal Hours 
Brent Crude Oil (Futures and Cash) UKOIL Normal Hours Normal Hours Normal Hours 
Natural Gas Future NGAS Normal Hours Early Close at 21.30 Normal Hours 
US Shares  Closed Closed Normal Hours 
All others  Normal Hours Normal Hours Normal Hours 

Rest assured we will continue to provide trading and support services on the above days. 

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact one of our support team members via our Live Chat or email [email protected].    

Mulai Gratis

Buat Akun
